Calcium- Deficiency and how to recover from it?

Calcium is a very important mineral to make our bones strong. It helps to maintain normal blood clotting, contract muscles and build strong bones and teeth. However, our body cannot make calcium on it’s own. Thus we need to get our calcium intake from the food items that are rich in calcium such as dairy, seafood and leafy green vegetables. 

A person is said to be calcium deficient when he/she shows low levels of calcium in their blood test. He/she may experience muscle aches or brittle bones. 

Signs and Symptoms of Calcium deficiency

The symptoms of calcium deficiency become quite evident as the time goes on. However, it can also be identified with some initial signs of the same. These symptoms may range from muscle spasms, cramps to Osteoporosis and irregular heartbeats. 

When bones do not get enough calcium, our bones tend to compensate for that by releasing calcium back into our body. All of these increase the risk of frequent fractures too. 

Causes of Calcium deficiency 

A low calcium diet can definitely lead to calcium deficiency in your body. Even though calcium is available in various food items, some people may be lacking in the same. If you are a vegetarian and follow a vegan diet without any calcium rich dairy products, then you may be lacking in calcium. 

Because lactose intolerant people also do not consume dairy, they may become deficient in calcium too. 

Even newborns can suffer from calcium deficiency. However, the symptoms and causes for each are different. 

Treatment of calcium deficiency 

Calcium deficiency can be treated in a number of ways. It can be cured through a natural calcium rich diet or by consuming supplements. Treatment generally depends on how severe the condition is and for how long you have been deficient for. 

To increase your calcium intake you can definitely try a calcium rich diet which includes yoghurt, milk, cheese, oatmeal, almonds and orange juice. All of these items are highly rich in calcium and can give you the right amount of it that you need in a day. 

With the intake of calcium, do make sure you are consuming enough of Vitamin D as well. It helps your body to absorb and utilize this calcium. 

Your doctors may prescribe you with certain supplements as well, that can boost your blood calcium levels. 

Is too much calcium safe?

Excess of anything is bad and even too much calcium can be risky for you. It is thus very important that you monitor your calcium intake so you don’t over consume it. 

Signs of excessive calcium are nausea, vomiting, confusion and fatigue. Hence, it is important to be careful while you consume calcium in any form. 

The Takeaway 

Calcium plays an important role in keeping us healthy- so it’s essential to make sure you’re getting enough of it. Someone who is deficient should take a calcium supplement as it normalises the cell turnover and keeps you strong with healthy bones and teeth. A supplement which is free from any additives like gluten and nuts can actually be a game-changer for you and can improve your overall health.